Synth Playground
a web of amazing sound.
It’s All About the Patch.
There are lots of manufacturers cranking out great gear and you need a trusted brand to make everything connect as it should. Hosa’s synth playground connects all your synths to create something brilliant. Whether you’re new to modular synthesizers or you’ve been at it for a while and pushing the limits of what your rig can do, Hosa wants to be a part of your playground.

Monkey Bars
The Hosa Monkey Bars Patch Cable Holder is designed to keep patch cables organized and within reach. It is ideal for modular synthesizer rigs and recording studios of all sizes.

Knucklebones work great in modular synthesizer rigs where creativity and fun are dependent on the available patching options. Use them to send a sequence to various modules or to add musical layers to an existing signal.

Hopscotch Patch Cables
Hopscotch Patch Cables are the perfect solution for modular synthesizers equipped with mono mini jacks. The pigtail mono mini jack gives users the ability to “jump” the signal to another input point while keeping the original patch intact.

Patch Cables
These cables are designed to interconnect pro audio gear with unbalanced mini phone jacks. They are ideal for use with modular synthesizers and sound modules.