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September 29, 2009

New LED Gooseneck Lamps

Hosa is pleased to announce the addition of two new LED gooseneck console lamps to its Hosa-Lite lineup: the 15-inch LTE-503XLR4…
- Hosa
June 24, 2009

Hosa & CAIG Grow Partnership

Hosa and CAIG Laboratories, the leading producer of environmentally-safe contact cleaners and connector enhancing treatments…
- Hosa
May 29, 2009

Hosa Celebrates 25 Years

Hosa announces with great pride that the company has reached a major milestone—its 25th anniversary. From its humble beginnings…
- Hosa
May 28, 2009

New 12 AWG Speaker Cable

Hosa is pleased to announce the introduction of the SKO-200 Series speaker cables. Available in lengths from three to one hundred…
- Hosa