What is Bluetooth?
Bluetooth is a wireless technology that uses a radio frequency to share data over a short distance, eliminating the need for wires. Bluetooth technology allows for the wireless sharing of documents – so long as each device is paired accordingly. The process by which pairing happens varies by each device. Be sure to read the manual for each device you plan on using.
Bluetooth technology has made it fairly easy to connect devices without having to wire them together. In other words, getting devices to “talk” to one another without having to use a cord. Originally developed in 1989, bluetooth grew fairly popular in the 1990’s. At this point, nearly every device has bluetooth capability. Today, we’re going through some general bluetooth tips.
Minimizing Bluetooth Interference
Setting up bluetooth should be easy and stress-free. The range of Bluetooth is specified as roughly 30 feet. However, similarly to all other wireless devices (wi-fi, cell phones, etc.), Bluetooth range can vary on a number of factors. Before you get started, make sure you know what’s around you and your devices. Believe it or not, even if things are wireless, you can still get physical interference from certain materials. Try to not have any physical obstructions in the path of your wireless signals. Here’s a starter guide on bluetooth material and interference:
Potential low interference: wood, glass, many synthetic materials.
Potential medium interference: water, bricks, marble.
Potential high interference: plaster, concrete, bulletproof glass.
Potential very high interference: metal.
Troubleshooting Your Bluetooth Devices
Simple and quite often missed, make sure your bluetooth device is switched to “on” – for each of the devices you are planning to use. When pairing, it’s likely easier that each of the devices are as close to each other as possible. One of the most common causes of Bluetooth pairing difficulty is devices being paired to other (unwanted) devices. To solve this, simply:
- Bring your devices closer together to troubleshoot
- Reset or turn off/on each of the device’s Bluetooth capabilities
- Pair again
At Hosa, we know how frustrating Bluetooth pairing can be – but it doesn’t have to be. Whether you’re pairing an iPhone, laptop, or a digital audio device – these general principles still apply. Be sure to read the manual of each of your devices and troubleshoot when necessary. And if you’re looking to add Bluetooth capabilities to any older equipment, try the Hosa Drive Bluetooth Audio Interface.