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Hosa News

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August 17, 2020

New Goby Labs Hand Sanitizer

Hosa is pleased to introduce the newest addition to the Goby Labs line of cleaning products, Goby Labs Hand Sanitizer. With safety…
- Hosa
August 7, 2020

New SuperSpeed USB-C Cables

Hosa is pleased to introduce two new cables featuring USB-C connectors. The USB-306CC USB 3.1 Gen 2 Cable features USB-C connectors on…
- Hosa
August 3, 2020

August - Music & Audio News

Welcome to the latest Music & Audio Industry News Roundup! Every month, we’ll share the top music and audio news…
- Hosa
July 23, 2020

How to Wrap Your Cables

After using our audio cables, most of us don’t think about the proper way to wrap them other than to quickly get them out of the way…
- Hosa
July 21, 2020

Setting Up A Pedalboard

With so many effects and hybrid multi-effects guitar pedals on the market, it’s easy for beginners to quickly feel overwhelmed…
- Hosa
July 6, 2020

July - Music & Audio News

Welcome to the latest Music & Audio Industry News Roundup! Every month, we’ll share the top music and audio news…
- Hosa
June 27, 2020

How to Gear Up for a Podcast

Podcasting is a medium that is seeing more and more creators every day. It’s become one of the most digested pieces of modern…
- Hosa
June 16, 2020

Disinfect & Sanitize Your Gear

It's hard to know how to disinfect and sanitize your audio equipment without damaging it. Learn our tips…
- Hosa
June 8, 2020

June - Music & Audio News

Welcome to our first ever Music & Audio Industry News Roundup! Every month, we’ll share the top music and audio news…
- Hosa
April 16, 2020

Silver Cables vs Copper Cables

“What is it that makes Zaolla different from other cables?” That’s a question we get when people discover Zaolla Silverline. Why make…
- Hosa
April 2, 2020

New Pro Guitar Patch Cables

Hosa is pleased to introduce the latest line expansion to the Hosa Pro line of cables, Hosa Pro Guitar Patch Cables. This addition to…
- Hosa
August 28, 2019

XLR or DMX, Make the Call

There are certainly a number of cables that serve different functions but look similar or use the same connector types. For instance…
- Dylan